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MIT Libraries staff list

Matthew Saba

Headshot of Matthew Saba

Matthew Saba

Program Head
Aga Khan Documentation Center | 7-238 | 617.253.6129

Heather Sardis

Headshot of Heather Sardis

Heather Sardis

Associate Director for Technology and Strategic Planning
Director's Office | NE36-6101 | 617.253.3839
Assistant: Joshua Daranciang

Cynthia Schwarz

Cynthia Schwarz

Program Head for Enterprise Services
Information Technology Services

Maddie Scranton

Headshot of Maddie Scranton

Maddie Scranton

Administrative Assistant
Administrative Services; Collections; Distinctive Collections | NE36-6101 | 617.253.0680
Pronouns: she/they

Shikha Sharma

Headshot of Shikha Sharma

Shikha Sharma

Business and Management Librarian
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services | E53-168k | 617.253.5670

Jacob Sherrell

Jacob Sherrell

Human Resources Generalist
Administrative Services | NE36-6122 

Adam Shire

Adam Shire

Enterprise Systems Engineer
Information Technology Services | NE36-6101 | 617.253.1459
Pronouns: he/him/his

Kai Alexis Smith

Headshot of Kai Alexis Smith

Kai Alexis Smith

Architecture and Planning Librarian
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5593
Pronouns: she/her

Émilie Songolo

Émilie Songolo

Head, Distinctive Collections | NE36-6101 | 617.253.7366

Erin Stalberg

Erin Stalberg

Associate Director for Collections and Faculty Relations Strategy
Director's Office | NE36-6101 | 617.253.5962
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Mark Szarko

Headshot of Mark Szarko

Mark Szarko

Comparative Media Studies, Literature, Philosophy,
and Theater Arts Librarian; Acting Program Head for
Teaching and Learning (LIRS)
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services | 14S-210 | 617.258.8022
Pronouns: he/him/his

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