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MIT Libraries staff list

Emily Kramer

Emily Kramer

Administrative Assistant to IDLA and Community Engagement
Information Delivery and Library Access | 14S-100 | 617.258.5432

Sue Kriegsman

Headshot of Sue Kriegsman

Sue Kriegsman

Deputy Director,
Center for Research on Equitable and
Open Scholarship (CREOS)

Director's Office | NE36-6101 | 617.253.0600
Pronouns: she/her

Sarah Kurpiel

Sarah Kurpiel

Electronic Resources Associate
Technical Services | NE36-6101 | 617.258.5427

Paxton LaJoie

Headshot of Paxton LaJoie

Paxton LaJoie

Interim Head, GIS and Statistical Software Services; GIS Specialist in Education and Practice
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5588

Kaija Langley

Headshot of Kaija Langley

Kaija Langley

Director of Development
Director's Office | 14S-213M | 617.452.2123

Julia Lanigan

Julia Lanigan

Acquisitions Associate
Technical Services | NE36-6101 | 617.253.9318
Pronouns: she/her

Deana Lee

Deana Lee

Project Manager
Project Management Office | 617.253.1663

Deborah Lenares

Headshot of Deborah Lenares

Deborah Lenares

Collections Analyst and Strategist
Scholarly Communications & Collections Strategy | 14S-210 | 617.253.0863
Pronouns: she/her

Georgina Lewis

Headshot of Georgina Lewis

Georgina Lewis

Interlibrary Borrowing Associate
Information Delivery and Library Access | 14-0551 | 617.253.9499
Pronouns: she/her

Jake Lewis

Headshot of Jake Lewis

Jake Lewis

Access Services Associate, Hayden Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 14S-100 | 617.258.6679

Maura Liggio

Maura Liggio

Access Services Associate, Hayden Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 14S-100 | 617.253.9351

Donald Long

Headshot of Donald Long

Donald Long

Access Services Associate, Hayden Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 14S-100 | 617.253.8941

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