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Contact us: Distinctive Collections, 14N-118

MIT Libraries staff list

Distinctive Collections, 14N-118

Joe Carrano

Headshot of Joe Carrano

Joe Carrano

Digital Archivist
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118  | 617-715-4468

Amanda Hawk

Headshot of Amanda Hawk

Amanda Hawk

Public Services Manager
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118 | 617.253.8066

Jonathan Paul

Headshot of Jonathan Paul

Jonathan Paul

Reference Associate
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118 | 617.452.5137

Chris Tanguay

Headshot of Christina Tanguay

Chris Tanguay

Processing Archivist
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118 | 617.715.4466
Pronouns: she/they

Becca Tibbitts

Headshot of Becca Tibbitts

Becca Tibbitts

Processing Associate
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118 | 617.253.5705
Pronouns: she/they

Rachel Van Unen

Headshot of Rachel Van Unen

Rachel Van Unen

Archival Processing Manager
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118 | 617.253.4323

Thera Webb

Headshot of Thera Webb

Thera Webb

Women@MIT Project Archivist
Distinctive Collections | 14N-118  | 617-258-5533

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