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Contact us: Rotch Library, 7-238

MIT Libraries staff list

Rotch Library, 7-238

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7-238 is the mailing address for the staff located in the Rotch Library. To find specific office locations, email the individual or stop by the Rotch Service Desk to ask for directions.

Caitlin Canfield

Caitlin Canfield

Access Services Assistant, Rotch Library
Information Delivery & Library Access | 7-238 | 617.258.5591

Elanienne Coste

Elanienne Coste

Access Services Assistant, Rotch Library
Information Delivery & Library Access | 7-238 | 617.258.5598

Kendall Dawson

Kendall Dawson

Access Services Associate, Rotch Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 7-238 | 617.253.1837

Christopher Donnelly

Headshot of Christopher Donnelly

Christopher Donnelly

Image Cataloging and Technical Associate
Technical Services | 7-238 | 617.253.6407

Paxton LaJoie

Headshot of Paxton LaJoie

Paxton LaJoie

Interim Head, GIS and Statistical Software Services; GIS Specialist in Education and Practice
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5588

Amy Nurnberger

Headshot of Amy Nurnberger

Amy Nurnberger

Program Head, Data Management Services
Interim Head, Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5596

Matthew Saba

Headshot of Matthew Saba

Matthew Saba

Program Head
Aga Khan Documentation Center | 7-238 | 617.253.6129

Kai Alexis Smith

Headshot of Kai Alexis Smith

Kai Alexis Smith

Architecture and Planning Librarian
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5593
Pronouns: she/her

Michael Toler

Headshot of Michel Toler

Michael Toler

Archnet Digital Librarian
Aga Khan Documentation Center | 7-238 | 617.253.2955

Jaclyn Wilson

Headshot of Jaclyn Wilson

Jaclyn Wilson

Access Services Manager, Rotch Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 7-238 | 617.324.4283
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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