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Contact us: Barker Library, 10-500

MIT Libraries staff list

Barker Library, 10-500

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10-500 is the mailing address for the staff located in the Barker Library. To find specific office locations, contact the individual or stop by the Barker Library Service Desk to ask for directions.

Phoebe Ayers

Headshot of Phoebe Ayers

Phoebe Ayers

Librarian for Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,
IDSS, and Mathematics
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services
Data and Specialized Services | 10-500 | 617.253.4442

Amadea Bartle

Amadea Bartle

Access Services Assistant, Barker Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 10-500 | 617.253.7742

Jeremiah Graves

Headshot of Jeremiah Graves

Jeremiah Graves

Access Services Manager, Barker Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 10-500 | 617.253.2208

Galen March

Headshot of Galen March

Galen March

Access Services Assistant, Barker Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 10-500 | 617.253.2188

Anahiz Rivera


Anahiz Rivera

Access Services Assistant, Barker Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 10-500 | 617.253.9325

Kassia Roberts

Kassia Roberts

Access Services Assistant, Barker Library
Information Delivery and Library Access | 10-500 | 617.253.3030

Barbara Williams

Headshot of Barbara Williams

Barbara Williams

AeroAstro and Physics Librarian
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services | 10-500 | 617.253.5666
Pronouns: she/her

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